报告题目:Two classes of power mappings with boomerang uniformity 2
主 讲 人:冯荣权 教授(北京大学)
报告时间:2022年12月20日 15:00-16:00
报告摘要:In 1999, Wagner introduced a new cryptanalysis method against block ciphers, namely, the boomerang attack. It can be regarded as a generalization of the differential attack, and it allows new avenues of attack for many ciphers previously deemed safe from differential cryptanalysis. In 2018, Boura and Canteaut introduced the concept of boomerang uniformity to quantify the resistance of a function against the boomerang attack. Later in 2019, Li, Qu, Sun and Li generalized the definition of the boomerang uniformity. In this talk, two power mappings with boomerang uniformity 2 are given, and a graph related to a cryptographic function will be introduced. This is a join work with Haode Yan, Zhen Li and Zhitian Song.